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Ronaldo is injured and will miss for a month!

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  • duminică, 20 martie 2011
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  • Real Madrid has officially confirmed that a hamstring muscles injury will keep the striker Cristiano Ronaldo away from the ground until the middle of April.
    Hamstring is the genetic name for a three muscles group that stands behind the upper part of the leg.

    As well as Cristiano Ronaldo, his co-national Ricardo Carvalho was also injured during the local derby with Atletico Madrid (2-1). Ronaldo was pulled out from the field by Mourinho, and shortly after the game was communicated that Ricardo feels pain in the femoral biceps area, part of the hamstring group muscles.

    A public statement today on the Spanish club's website explains the actual condition of CR7: "A medical exam and an X-ray at Sanitas hospital, had indicated the fact that  the striker Cristiano Ronaldo suffers from a type 1 injury at the hamstring muscles of the left leg. The player will be unavailable for a month. "

    The injury means that Ronaldo will miss the friendly matches between Real and Chile and Finland, but also from the game with Sporting Gikon from Primera.

    Maybe even more frightening for Jose Mourinho is the possibility of not being able to count on the Portuguese for the tour match against Tottenham Hotspur in Champions League, in a time in which he complaints of not having enough options for the offensive department .

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