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Perez praises Mourinho: "There is no doubt that he's the world's number one!"

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  • vineri, 22 aprilie 2011
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  •  Real Madrid president Florentino Perez said that, undoubtedly, the Portuguese Jose Mourinho is "number one" of all coaches in the world and that his group's goal is to lead the football world in the coming years.

    "Everybody who can lead this way is unique. Without minimizing one's merits, there is no doubt that Mourinho is the number one in the world. Spanish Cup was important for us because it missed , but also because of the rival. Barcelona had a very good season two years ago, won a title last year and this season I think will win the championship, but lacks continuity. Real Madrid has made a qualitative leap and we hope to return to be  Spanish football's leader",said Perez.

    On the tenth chance of winning the Champions League trophy, Perez said: " Sure, our players will try to do everything possible. but first we need to eliminate  Barcelona, ​​which will not be an easy task, although we have demonstrated that they can be defeated. We have a young group with the best coach and we will work for them. All our players are talented but they lack some experience, they need it. The coach is able to motivate them and we saw that. We have a Real Madrid team that can become better for the next six or eight years. "

    Perez added that Real Madrid's goal is to lead the world football and  hopes that the team prepared by Mourinho  will get to play  into Champions League final, at Wembley Stadium.

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