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CR7 tired of Mourinho's style: I did not like the game with Barcelona!"

Jose Mourinho's ideas about the settlement of the team are not liked  by Cristiano Ronaldo.The most expensive transfer in history does not feel well in the Portuguese coach settlement.Real scorer qualities are limited by Murinho`s defensive style. Ronaldo was silent until now, but any lover of football could see with his own eye as a former player of Manchester United do not feel confortable on the court.Asked by reporters if he liked the team's defeat against Barcelona in the Champions League semi-finals, Ronaldo admitted that he didn`t like  Mourinho's tactics :
"No, I didn`t like it, but I have to adapt to what is asked.That's the way, we have a strategy. Being honest, it's true that we haven`t had any shot on goal while we played 11 against 11, but 0-0 at home wouldn`t have been a bad result.We have to go to Camp Nou, and to score. We didn`t play well, but we had the game under control." sayd Ronalso

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