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Video: Barcelona removes Sahtior! See what big words Pep addressed Lucescu at the end of the match !

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  • miercuri, 13 aprilie 2011
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  • A goal managed Sahtior to score in the double with Barcelona and  Lucescu admits that the Spanish form a perfect team: "If only we had Messi we have managed to defeat them."
     On the other side, Guardiola praises the Ukrainian's coach : "I'm lucky that I am a colleague of Lucescu. I love the football Sahtior plays . "

    "This fourth consecutive qualifying in the semifinals of the Champions League is a great success. Barca has never managed such a performance. It is a great joy. Maybe we'll be eliminated, but if we will be eliminated and it will be in front of a great team like Real Madrid, then we will applaud. But we accept the challenge of facing them. At this level we have a feeling of peace, because we have continuity. I take the games with Real  as a gift. I am lucky to be  colleague with a coach like Mircea Lucescu. I'm  a supporter of the Shakhtar band for three years, and every year they progress, I hope to no longer meet them in the Champions League next year. We dedicate our victory to Bojan and we hope he will recover quickly.",said Guardiola.

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